Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Anthony Tomyn's Life as a delivery driver

I never thought that i would learn so much from being a restaurant delivery driver. Most people don't think the job of "delivery guy" is very rewarding and the only ones who hold the title are punks and high school drop-outs. To be honest, its somewhat true due to the fact that most of the time the only credentials you need are to be able to drive a vehicle through the lines. But as a person who tries his best to take any little lesson he can out of a situation, I found that the lessons I learned from being a food delivery driver were more substantial than I imagined. As a self contracted driver for the restaurant delivery service Provo Eats, I only deliver for restaurants who do not do their own delivery. I am on the road all day and never actually have to work in a restaurant with a nagging boss yelling at me for losing them money some how. Now I can confidently say that I know every main street, side street, back street, and dirt street around in my town. Learning these routes are priceless to me in my every day life but especially as a food delivery driver since my goal is always to get to my location in the most efficient way. Many times things on the road just don't go your way whether it be traffic, evil traffic lights, or drivers who think there is no one else on the road. From all these daily hardships, I have learned the one virtue i believe to be the most important and that is patience. When you drive for a living, and find that you are more than slightly prone to bouts of road rage, it quickly dawns on you that spending your days like that is physically and mentally draining and unhealthy. Learning to not let things affect me as much and being patient with situations on the road has helped me with my patience in every day life. Every day I experience different obstacles and have to figure out ways to overcome them giving me more experience in solving any problem that might come my way. Working as a self contracted driver in the restaurant delivery service has broadened my mind to the world by just being out on the road and experiencing every day life with all different types of people. Being a "delivery guy" may not be a hard job, but like anything, if you look for the lessons to learn than it will be just as rewarding as any other job.

Anthony Tomyn

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